Current Publications
Showing entries 151 - 200 out of 593
Schick-Chen A. Whither Converging Narratives of Justice in Transition? Transitional Justice and Judicial Reform in Taiwan. Washington International Journal of Law. 2019;28(3):677-699.
Lipinsky A. Der Traum vom motorisierten chinesischen Arbeiterstaat: Ralf Ruckus übersetzt Zhang Lus Forschung in Chinas Autofabriken. : Rezensionsforum für Literatur und für Kulturwissenschaften. 2018 Nov 12.
Lipinsky A. Das Tabu der häuslichen Gewalt in China. In Breuer R, Roetz H, editors, Worüber man nicht spricht: Tabus, Schweigen und Redeverbote in China. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 2018. p. 75-90. (Jahrbuch der deutschen Vereinigung für Chinastudien, Vol. 12).
Li L. The moral economy of guanxi and the market of corruption: Networks, brokers and corruption in China’s courts. International Political Science Review. 2018 Nov;39(5):634-646. doi: 10.1177/0192512118791585
Lipinsky A. Chinas Aufstieg. Mit Kapital, Kontrolle und und Konfuzius. : Rezensionsforum für Literatur und für Kulturwissenschaften. 2018 Jul 17;6-2018.
Lipinsky A. Die chinesische Gefahr: Rezension von Karin Kneissls Buch Wachablöse. : Rezensionsforum für Literatur und für Kulturwissenschaften. 2018 Jul 12;7/2018.
Massini F, Lu S. Curating LookOut, the first Chinese arts festival on gender: an interview with Fabrizio Massini. The Theatre Times. 2018 Jun 30.
Lipinsky A. 37 Gelegenheiten, sich unbeliebt zu machen: Deike Lautenschläger sagt ihrem Alter Ego Sophie, wie sie sich in Taiwan am besten nicht verhält. : Rezensionsforum für Literatur und für Kulturwissenschaften. 2018 May 24;6/2018.
Weigelin-Schwiedrzik S (Interviewee), Löw R (Editorial Journalist). China Weltmacht Falter Radio: Falter Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. 2018.
Renner J. Vocabulary learning in multimodal Mandarin Chinese – German eTandems.. 2018. Paper presented at Third International Conference on Telecollaboration in Higher Education, Krakow, Poland.
Yu S. 德语区汉语教学协会第 20 届汉语教学研讨会 - 汉语教学----行动与反思: 实践理论,行动意向与策略: 奥地利维也纳大学, 2017 年9 月7 至9 日. Chinesischunterricht: CHUN. 2018;33:118-119.
Li L. China’s New Big Brother. IWM-Post : magazine of the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Institute for Human Sciences. 2018;No. 121(Spring/Summer).
Steinhardt HC, Li LC. Hong Kong in China: Trends, Explanations and Policy Options. IPP Review. 2018.
Bazant-Kimmel C. Learning to Read Authentic Texts in Chinese as a Foreign Language: An Action Research-Based Investigation of a New Approach towards Raising Students’ Awareness of Literary Function Words. Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies. 2018;10(1):211-232. doi: 10.2478/vjeas-2018-0008
Steinhardt HC, Li LC. Re-examining Hong Kong Political Identities: Beyond a Zero-sum Relationship. 2018.
Steinhardt HC, Li LC, Jiang Y. The Identity Shift in Hong Kong since 1997: Measurement and Explanation. Journal of Contemporary China. 2018;27(110):261-276. doi: 10.1080/10670564.2018.1389030
Li L. Transparency, Propaganda and Disinformation: “Managing” anticorruption information in China. Journal of Comparative Law. 2018.
Steinhardt HC. Discursive Accommodation: Popular Protest and Strategic Elite Communication in China. European Political Science Review. 2017 Nov;9(4):539-560. doi:
Göbel C. Tracing Taiwan’s Road to Good Governance. In Mungiu-Pippidi A, Johnston M, editors, Transitions to Good Governance: Creating Virtuous Circles of Anti-corruption. Edward Elgar. 2017. p. 159 - 183
Schick-Chen A. Images of Redress and Rehabilitation: "pingfan (in) film" and perceptions of coming to terms with the past in China. In Peng H, Raidel E, editors, The Politics of Memory in Sinophone Cinemas and Image Culture: Altering Archives. Routledge. 2017. p. 46-65. (Routledge Contemporary China Series).
Kremenchuk K, Li Y. The role of guidance as a factor for tandem organization. In Funk H, Gerlach M, Spaniel-Weise D, editors, Handbook for Foreign Language Learning in Online Tandems and Educational Settings. New Edition ed. Peter Lang. 2017. p. 267-280. (Foreign Language Teaching in Europe, Vol. 15).
El-Hariri Y, Renner J. "What shall we start with" - Conversation openings in eTandems. 2017. Paper presented at Thinking, Doing, Learning 2017, München, Germany.
Lipinsky A, Mandl M. Symposium on Equality: Taiwan in Context: National Chengchi University, February 24-26, 2016. Asien: the German journal on contemporary Asia. 2017 Jan;(142):94-95.
Hompot S. A xiameni Gulangyu Közös Koncesszió története a 19-20. századi kínai-külföldi nyelvi és kulturális interakció tükrében. Távol-keleti Tanulmányok [Far Eastern Studies]. 2017;2016(1):15-40.
Kam LWM. Artistic activism as essential threshold from the ‘peaceful, rational, non-violent’ demonstrations towards revolution—social actions in Hong Kong in the pre-Umbrella Movement era. In Luger J, Ren J, editors, Art and the City: Worlding the Discussion through a critical artscape. London ; New York: Routledge. 2017. p. 115-127
Ferrari R. Asian Theatre as Method: The Toki Experimental Project and Sino-Japanese Transnationalism in Performance. TDR: The Drama Review. 2017;61(3):141-164.
Li L. Back from the dead - Wrongful convictions and criminal justice in China, He Jiahong, University of Hawai’i Press. China Information: a journal on contemporary China studies. 2017;31(2).
Hompot S. Dong-xifang shiyu de Gulangyu Gonggong Zujie yuyan wenhua jiaoliu yanjiu 东西方视域的鼓浪屿公共租界语言文化交流研究. 2017.
Vetter E, Renner J, El-Hariri Y, Volgger-Bahensky M-L, Fink IE. FAME – Förderung von Autonomie und Motivation durch den Einsatz von E-Tandems im schulischen Fremdsprachenunterricht. 2017.
Göbel C. Innovationskultur und Innovationssysteme in China. In Jochen F, Schädler M, editors, Chinas Innovationsstrategie in der globalen Wissensökonomie: Unternehmen, Hochschulen und Regionen im Spannungsfeld von Politik und Autonomie. 1 ed. Gabler. 2017. p. 61-75
Ferrari R. London/Hong Kong Culture Belt-Road City Report. In ZI, editor, Hong Kong Belt-Road City-to-City Cultural Exchange Conference 2017 City Reports. Hong Kong: E+E Zuni Icosahedron. 2017. p. 57–60
Vetter E, Bru-Peral J, Li Y, El-Hariri Y, Hübler R, Lesk S et al. L3-TaSK – L3-Lernen in online Tandems. 2017.
Renner J. Negotiation of meaning and language-related episodes in audio-visual eTandems. Language Learning in Higher Education. 2017;7(1).
Ferrari R. Review of "The Theatre of David Henry Hwang" by Esther Kim Lee. London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2015. Theatre Research International. 2017;42(1):109-110.
Göbel C, Heberer T. The Policy Innovation Imperative: Changing Techniques for Governing China’s Local Governors. In Shue V, Thornton P, editors, To Govern China: Evolving Practices of Power. Cambridge University Press. 2017. p. 279-304
Hompot S. Wan Qing, Minguo shiqi Minnan baihua zidian dui Zhong-Xifang yuyan jiaoliu de yingxiang 晚清,民国时期闽南白话字典对中西方语言交流德影响. Gu lang yu yan jiu = Journal of Gulangyu Studies. 2017;(6):44-61.
Renner J. A conversation analysis approach to researching eTandems – the challenges of data collection. In Jager S, Kurek M, O'Rourke B, editors, New directions in telecollaborative research and practice: selected papers from the second conference on telecollaboration in higher education. Research-publishing. 2016. p. 321-326 doi: 10.14705/rpnet.2016.telecollab2016.524
Weigelin-Schwiedrzik S, Cui J. Whodunnit? Memory and Politics before the 50th Anniversary of the Cultural Revolution. China Quarterly: an international journal for the study of China. 2016 Sep;227:734-751. doi: 10.1017/S0305741016000734
Weigelin-Schwiedrzik S. Die Renaissance der Kulturrevolution. China 50 Jahre danach: Wird die Kulturrevolution wieder hoffähig? Wiener Zeitung. 2016 Aug 13;4-5.
Yu S, Lipinsky A, Liu K-H. 維也納臺灣研究中心介紹. Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies. 2016 Aug 1;35/3(139):31-33.
Weigelin-Schwiedrzik S. Discussioni: Rivoluzioni a confronto L'Urss di Stalin e la Cina di Mao. Il Mestiere di Storico. 2016 Jul 15;VIII(I):46-51.
Showing entries 151 - 200 out of 593