Detailed view

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Göbel, M.A.
Christian Göbel

Göbel, C. (Accepted/In press). Political corruption in Taiwan. In H-H. M. Hsiao, & D. Fell (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies Brill.

Göbel, C. (Editorial Journalist). (2021). Proteste in China. Web publication, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.

Göbel, C. (2020). Watchdog Institutions. In K. Templeman, Y. Chu, & L. Diamond (Eds.), Dynamics of Democracy in Taiwan: The Ma Ying-jeou Years (pp. 183-202). Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Göbel, C. (2020). Social Resistance and Social Stability Maintenance in the Xi Jinping Era. In L. Zhao, & D. Qi (Eds.), Chinese Society in the Xi Era (pp. 1-17). World Scientific Publishing.

Göbel, C. (2019). (Anti-) Corruption and Partisan Bias in Taiwan's Newspapers. In C. Chen, & M. Weiss (Eds.), The Political Logics of Anticorruption Efforts in Asia (pp. 77-102). State University of New York Press (SUNY Press).

Göbel, C. (2019). Social Unrest in China: A Bird’s Eye Perspective. In T. Wright (Ed.), Handbook on Dissent and Protest in China (pp. 27-45). Edward Elgar.

Göbel, C. (2017). Tracing Taiwan’s Road to Good Governance. In A. Mungiu-Pippidi, & M. Johnston (Eds.), Transitions to Good Governance: Creating Virtuous Circles of Anti-corruption (pp. 159 - 183). Edward Elgar.

Göbel, C. (2017). Innovationskultur und Innovationssysteme in China. In F. Jochen, & M. Schädler (Eds.), Chinas Innovationsstrategie in der globalen Wissensökonomie: Unternehmen, Hochschulen und Regionen im Spannungsfeld von Politik und Autonomie (1 ed., pp. 61-75). Gabler.

Göbel, C., & Heberer, T. (2017). The Policy Innovation Imperative: Changing Techniques for Governing China’s Local Governors. In V. Shue, & P. Thornton (Eds.), To Govern China: Evolving Practices of Power (pp. 279-304). Cambridge University Press.

Overcoming China‘s Censorship System: How State Dominance on Weibo Facilitated Online Protest After the Ürümqi Fire

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

18 Oct 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Classifying Legal Documents

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

27 Aug 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Leveraging Large Language Models and Visual Transformers for Enhanced Analysis of Public Protests in China through Social Media

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

11 Jul 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Workshop: A practical introduction to topic modelling

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

10 Jul 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Overcoming China‘s Censorship System: How State Dominance on Weibo Facilitated Online Protest After the Ürümqi Fire

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

8 May 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Brücken und Barrieren: Einblicke in das gegenwärtige China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

15 Apr 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

The Paradox of Control: How State Dominance on Weibo Facilitates Online Protest

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

8 Apr 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Mobilizing Illiberalism Worldwide: Analyzing China's Twitter Engagement and Elite behavior

Myunghee Lee (Speaker), Christian Göbel (Speaker) & Emir Yazici (Speaker)

4 Apr 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

New developments: Chat GTP-4 and the social sciences

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

21 Mar 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Digital Protest Event Analysis

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

20 Mar 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools for Our Research

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

4 Mar 2024

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Dual Domain Protests in China: Social Media Tactics in Contentious Collective Action

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

7 Dec 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Review of "Innovating Under Xi Jinping: Policy Experimentation, Protest, and the Retroductive Methodology"

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

24 Nov 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The Invisible Uprising: Covert coordination and hashtag hijacking after the Ürümqi apartment fire in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

6 Jul 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The Invisible Uprising: Covert coordination and hashtag hijacking after the Ürümqi apartment fire in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

24 Apr 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Mobilizing Social Anomie to Strengthen the State: Justification Strategies for ‘Social Credit’ on Sina Weibo

Heinz Christoph Steinhardt (Speaker) & Christian Göbel (Contributor)

2 Feb 2023

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Taiwans Kampf gegen politische Korruption

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

17 Nov 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Mobilizing Social Anomie to Strengthen the State: Justification Strategies for ‘Social Credit’ on Sina Weibo

Heinz Christoph Steinhardt (Speaker) & Christian Göbel (Speaker)

4 Nov 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Thinking outside the box: the politics and political economy of regime stability in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

1 Jul 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Researching Chinese Politics from a Distance: Opportunities and pitfalls of working with online data

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

8 Jun 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Semi-virtual protests in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

25 Nov 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Researching Social Unrest in China: a Data Science Toolkit

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

18 Nov 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Partizipation, Repression, and Staatsmacht in China:Die Rolle von Digitalisierung und AI

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

31 Oct 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Thinking outside the box: the politics and political economy of regime stability in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

16 Jul 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Handling Social Protest in Xi Jinping’s China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

10 May 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Offline Repression and Online Boomerang: Evidence from Protest Posts in China

Diana Fu (Speaker) & Christian Göbel (Speaker)

8 Apr 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Responsiveness, Repression, and China's Shrinking Civic Spaces

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

17 Mar 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Personalisation of Power in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

24 Feb 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Researching China in Difficult Times

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

28 Nov 2020

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

From Excessive Information to Selective Attention: How Citizen Input Is Used by Political Leaders in China

Yue Guan (Speaker) & Christian Göbel (Speaker)

10 Sep 2020

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Why Does a One-Party Regime Promote Civil Society? The Case of China’s Homeowner Associations

Yu Zeng (Speaker), Junyan Jiang (Speaker), Jie Li (Speaker) & Christian Göbel (Speaker)

9 Sep 2020

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

China’s Coronavirus Narrative: BlameAvoidance by Information Flooding

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

28 Aug 2020

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Stability Maintainance in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

18 May 2020

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Augmented autocracy: “Artificial Intelligence” and cybernetic governance in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

26 Nov 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Bringing Humans Back In: Big data and AI in China’s public service provision

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

22 Nov 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Democracy as soft power? How Taiwan’s presidents frame Taiwan’s political system

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

25 Oct 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Big Data in Chinas Politik: Visionen und Wirklichkeit

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

19 Oct 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Informationstechnologien und Regimestabilität in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

17 Oct 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

APSA Annual Meeting 2019

Diana Fu (Speaker) & Christian Göbel (Speaker)

30 Aug 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

How state-sanctioned violence affects sentiments towards the government: evidence from Chinese protest tweets

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

23 Aug 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Rate My Bureaucrat: Online Complaints and Public Sector Performance in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

28 Jun 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The Value of Popular Input for Unelected Local Leaders: Evidence from China

Yue Guan (Speaker) & Christian Göbel (Speaker)

20 Jun 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The Political Logic of Protest Repression in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

31 May 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Was wir über China wissen können und sollten

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

7 Mar 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Big Data in Chinas Regierungsführung: Visionen und Wirklichkeit

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

31 Jan 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Informationstechnologien und Regimestabilität in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

19 Jan 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Soziale Unruhen in China aus der Perspektive sozialer Medien

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

6 Jun 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Researching China's (Online) Politics: A Data Science Toolbox

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

30 May 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Demokratie und Internet in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

7 Mar 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Calibrating the Chinese Citizen: propaganda, e-petitioning and big data-driven governance

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

19 Jan 2018

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Electronic petitions and government propaganda in China’s civilising project

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

2 Dec 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Calibrating the Chinese Citizen: Propaganda, E-Petitioning and Big Data-Driven Governance

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

30 Mar 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Special Prosecutors, Courts, and Other Accountability Institutions under Ma YIng-jeou

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

11 Mar 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Calibrating the Chinese citizen: e-petitioning and big data-driven governance

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

7 Mar 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Calibrating the Chinese citizen: propaganda, e-petitioning and big data-driven governance

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

5 Nov 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The Mass Line Online: electronic petitions and government propaganda in China's civilising project

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

23 Sep 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

how China’s rulers allow citizens to vent grievances through online platforms

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

21 Sep 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Disappointed by Design? (Anti-)corruption and partisan bias in Taiwan’s newspapers

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

3 Sep 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

A single flower does not make a spring: how regime responsiveness in China facilitates protests, but not revolts

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

1 Sep 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Calibrating the Chinese citizen propaganda, e-petitioning and big data-driven governance

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

29 Jul 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Regulations Against Revolution: Mapping Policy Innovations in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

22 Jun 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Researching Politics and (Big) Data in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

22 Jun 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Digitalisierung statt Demokratie: Warum das Internet der chinesischen Regierung mehr nutzt als schadet

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

13 Jun 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

A single flower does not make a spring: how regime responsiveness in China facilitates protests, but not revolts

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

16 Mar 201619 Mar 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Fighting Corruption in Asia’s Young Democracies: Taiwan and Korea Compared

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

26 Feb 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Vortrag bei Roundtable zu Wahlen in Taiwan

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

28 Jan 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

Kommentar zu Björn Alpermann und Katja Yang Social Mobility and Political Attitudes in Contemporary China: Results from a Three-City Survey

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

20 Nov 201521 Nov 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Politische Innovation und wirtschaftliche Stabilität in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

19 Nov 201520 Nov 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

A Single Flower does Not Make A Spring: How regime responsiveness in China facilitates protests, but not revolts

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

12 Nov 201513 Nov 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Special Prosecutors, Courts, and Politicians: Accountability Institutions under Chen and Ma

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

26 Oct 201527 Oct 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Special Prosecutors, Courts, and Politicians: Accountability Institutions under Chen and Ma

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

26 Oct 201527 Oct 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Politische Innovation und wirtschaftliche Stabilität in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

19 Oct 201520 Oct 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

China’s Responsive Authoritarianism

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

31 Aug 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Digitalization, not Democratization: The Internet, public participation and regime performance in authoritarian regimes

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

14 Aug 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Taiwan Process Tracing Report

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

10 Jul 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Digitalisierung statt Demokratie

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

25 Mar 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Defragmenting Authoritarianism: Online complaining, accountability and power concentration in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

19 Mar 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Digitalization Instead of Democracy: how information technologies shape the future of the Chinese state

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

16 Jan 201517 Jan 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Digitalisierung statt Demokratie: Warum das Internet der Partei mehr nutzt als schadet.

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

10 Dec 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

How stable is China's "New Authoritarianism"?

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

6 Nov 20147 Nov 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Die Internationalisierung des Renmimbi

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

25 Oct 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Staatliche Beschwerdeportale im Internet: Funktion, Inhalte, Auswirkungen

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

14 Jun 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Models of Sustainable Development in Asia and the Role of the State

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

16 May 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Why Do Local Governments in China Promote E-Government?,

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

27 Mar 201429 Mar 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

China Verstehen Lernen

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

6 Feb 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Towards a Typological Theory of E-Governance in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

24 Jan 201425 Jan 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Local Factions, Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Taiwan

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

15 Jan 2014

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

The Information Dilemma: How ICT Strengthen or Weaken Authoritarian Rule

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

10 Dec 2013

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Or Should We Rather Not Do It At All? Coping with the (Pre-)selection bias in Collaborative Research Partnerships

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

22 Nov 201323 Nov 2013

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Towards a Typological Theory of E-Governance in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

22 Nov 201323 Nov 2013

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Hunters and Gatherers in the Land of Plenty — Does the Information Age need Sinologists?

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

5 Nov 2013

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Marked Improvements in the Last Decade

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

25 Oct 201327 Oct 2013

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

E-monitoring and Regime Improvement in China: Technical Capabilities and Systemic Limitations

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

12 Sep 2013

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

E-monitoring and Regime Improvement in China: Technical Capabilities and Systemic Limitations

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

10 Sep 2013

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Assessing Pathways to Sustainable Growth. Assessing Governance Capacities in Asia

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

12 Jun 2013

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Governing by Innovation

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

11 Apr 201313 Apr 2013

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

中国地方治理模式的转变:创新 (Transformation of the local governance model in China - Innovation)

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

30 Mar 2013

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Informationstechnologien und Regimestabilität in China

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

19 Dec 2012

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

The Innovation Dilemma and Regime Consolidation in Autocratic Regimes

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

23 Nov 201224 Nov 2012

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

China’s Party-Society Relations: Coping with Heterogeneity and Change

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

22 Nov 2012

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

The Innovation Dilemma and the Consolidation of Autocratic Regimes

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

30 Aug 20122 Sep 2012

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

The Innovation Dilemma and the Consolidation of Autocratic Regimes

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

30 Aug 20122 Sep 2012

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Same, but different? Authoritarian Consolidation and the Quality of Democracy

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

8 Jul 201212 Jul 2012

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Innovative Spaces, Fenced with Barbed Wire: the Opportunities and Constraints of Policy Entrepreneurship in Rural China

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

30 Mar 20121 Apr 2012

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Between "good governance" and "social management" - how the Chinese Government Counters Social Unrest

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

12 Dec 2011

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

State-society interactions in China: Information and communication technologies as nexus between the two Power Shifts

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

9 Dec 2011

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

State-Society Interactions in China

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

8 Dec 201110 Dec 2011

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Bringing the State Back Out? How fashionable development theories can('t) help us understand economic change in East Asia

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

15 Sep 201116 Sep 2011

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Government Propaganda and the Organization of Rural China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

8 Apr 201110 Apr 2011

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Authoritarian Institution Building and the Quality of Democracy in Taiwan and Thailand

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

16 Feb 201119 Feb 2011

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Propaganda and the Organization of Rural China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

26 Nov 201028 Nov 2010

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Democrats without Democracy. Contemporary Chinese Democratic Thought and Practice

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

5 Nov 2010

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Building State Power in Authoritarian Regimes. A Comparison of China, Burma and New Order Indonesia

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

22 Mar 201027 Mar 2010

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Adaptive Governance and Uneven Reform Implementation in Rural China

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

8 Dec 2009

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Regime Responsiveness and Authoritarian Consolidation. Why Some Authoritarian Regimes are More Stable than Others

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

2 Dec 2009

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Competition under Hierarchy: Central-Local Relations and Reform Politics in Rural China

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

21 Nov 2009

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Accounting for the (In-)Stability of Authoritarian Regimes: Evidence from East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

12 Sep 200914 Sep 2009

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Regime Responsiveness and the (In-)Stability of Authoritarian Regimes

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

3 Sep 20096 Sep 2009

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Charting the Dark Side of the Moon

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

6 Jul 200912 Jul 2009

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Regime Responsiveness and Authoritarian Consolidation

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

15 May 200916 May 2009

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Intergovernmental Relations and Policy Failure in China: The Case of the Rural Tax and Fee Reform in China

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

28 Apr 2009

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Intergovernmental Relations and Policy Failure in China: The Case of the Rural Tax and Fee Reform in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

3 Apr 20095 Apr 2009

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Guest lecture: Policy Failure in China’s Multi-Level System: The Rural Tax and Fee Reform in China

Christian Göbel (Invited speaker)

6 Mar 2009

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Corruption and Anti-Corruption in KMT and DPP Taiwan

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

12 Dec 2008

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Intention and Outcomes of the Rural Tax and Fee Reform in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

28 Nov 200829 Nov 2008

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Intentions and Outcomes of the Rural Tax and Fee Reform in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

6 Aug 200810 Aug 2008

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

The Rural Tax and Fee Reform in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

15 Feb 2008

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Measuring and Explaining the Distributive Effects of the Rural Tax and Fee Reform in Anhui Province, China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

25 Oct 200726 Dec 2007

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Reigning by Blaming: The Instrumentalization of Risk Perceptions in China’s Rural Tax and Fee Reform

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

1 Jun 2007

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Taking the State to the Villages: The Rural Tax and Fee Reform in China

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

6 Feb 2006

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Combating ‘Black Gold’ under Chen Shui-bian

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

17 Apr 2004

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Towards a Consolidated Democracy? Informal and Formal Institutions in Taiwan’s Political Process

Christian Göbel (Speaker)

1 Sep 2001

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Department of East Asian Studies

Hofburg, Batthyanystiege
1010 Wien
Room: 0113

T: +43-1-4277-43851