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Xue Gong, MSc
Steinhardt, H. C., Gong, X., & Delhey, J. (2024). Chasing a Phantom: A Re-evaluation of China’s “Trust Crisis”. Chinese Sociological Review. Advance online publication.
Liu, P., Gong, X., Yao, Q., & Liu, Q. (2022). Impacts of the Medical Arms Race on Medical Expenses: a Public Hospital-Based Study in Shenzhen, China, during 2009–2013. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 20, Article 73.
Gong, X., Liu, J., Liu, P., & Liang, F. (2020). Relating Medical Errors to Medical Specialties: A Mixed Analysis Based on Litigation Documents and Qualitative Data. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 13, 335-345.
Department of East Asian Studies
Hofburg, Batthyanystiege
1010 Wien
Room: 0155