Aktuelle Publikationen
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Li L. Mapping the power of the Party Centre – Reading the Party Directive on the Operation of the Central Committee (Part II) The China Collection: . 2020.
Li L. Appeal of Strategic Ambiguity on Party Centre – Reading the Party Directive on the Operation of the Central Committee (Part I) The China Collection: . 2020.
Göbel C. Watchdog Institutions. in Templeman K, Chu Y, Diamond L, Hrsg., Dynamics of Democracy in Taiwan: The Ma Ying-jeou Years. Lynne Rienner Publishers. 2020. S. 183-202
Steinhardt HC, Delhey J. Socio-Economic Modernization and the “Crisis of Trust” in China: A Multi-level Analysis of General and Particular Trust. Social Indicators Research. 2020 Aug 19;152:923–949. doi: 10.1007/s11205-020-02466-w
Li L. Xi’s political-legal rectification campaign 2020-2021 Australian Center on China in the World (CIW). 2020.
Ferrari R. Contemporary avant-garde theatre: Meng Jinghui: (MCLC Video Lecture Series) MCLC (Modern Chinese Literature and Culture) Resource Centre. 2020.
Li L. 23. Discussion: how come China’s courts acquitted more people during the Cultural Revolution than they do now? The China Collection: . 2020.
Li L. Rebranding of weiwen and rebirth of Zhou Yongkang’s stability maintenance committee, The China Collection: . 2020.
Gong X, Liu J, Liu P, Liang F. Relating Medical Errors to Medical Specialties: A Mixed Analysis Based on Litigation Documents and Qualitative Data. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy. 2020 Mär 25;13:335-345. doi: 10.2147/RMHP.S246452
Lipinsky A, Kuhlmann D. exploring Sinophone Polyphony: Voices of modern Literature in Taiwan. EATS Newsletter. 2020 Jan 31;15(15):39-41.
Li L. A quick guide to the new Commission on Comprehensive Governance according to Law (CCGAL) The China Collection: . 2020.
Hompot S. A Discourse Analysis of Recent Mainland Chinese Historiography on the Sinocentric Tributary System of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368–1912). Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies. 2020;12(1):149-176. doi: 10.2478/vjeas-2020-0006
Hinrichs S. "Hundert Blumen" auf dem Lushan: eine Analyse der Reaktion Mao Zedongs auf die Kritik von Peng Dehuai und Zhang Wentian am "Großem Sprung nach vorn"(1958–61). Wien, 2020. 251 S.
Weigelin-Schwiedrzik S, Hompot S. Mainland Chinese Historiography in Search of National and Global Identities: Analyzing Recent Historiography on the Tributary System of Interstate Relations under the Ming and Qing Dynasties . 2020.
Li Y. Parallel Narratives: Editing Angkor Wat at the 1931 l’Exposition Coloniale Museum of Transitory Art, Ljubljana. 2020.
Steinhardt HC. Playing by the informal rules, by Yao Li. Democratization. 2020;27(4):688-690. Epub 2019. doi: 10.1080/13510347.2019.1655545
Weigelin-Schwiedrzik S. Playing the same old tricks. Lu Xun’s Reflections on Modernity in his Essay “Modern History”. . in Axel S, Fröhlich T, Hrsg., Optimism and Skepticism Regarding Progress in in Late 19th Century and Republican China. Leiden: Brill. 2020. S. 292-317. (Leiden Series in Comparative Historiography).
Kam LWM. Protest in Metropolis: Symbolism in Play from Queen’s Pier Conservation to Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong. in Castro Varela MDM, Ülker B, Hrsg., Doing Tolerance: Urban Interventions and Forms of Participation. 1. Aufl. Opladen ; Berlin: Barbara Budrich. 2020. S. 233-252 doi: 10.2307/j.ctv10h9f87.15
Göbel C. Social Resistance and Social Stability Maintenance in the Xi Jinping Era. in Zhao L, Qi D, Hrsg., Chinese Society in the Xi Era. World Scientific Publishing. 2020. S. 1-17
Ferrari R. Transnational Chinese Theatres: Intercultural Performance Networks in East Asia. 1 Aufl. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. (Transnational Theatre Histories). doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-37273-6
Schick-Chen A. Von der verlorenen Erinnerung: Zhang Yimous 'Guilai' (Coming Home) als Spiegel gesellschaftlicher Wahrnehmung. in Khayutina M, Eicher S, Hrsg., Erinnern und Erinnerung, Gedächtnis und Gedenken: Über den Umgang mit Vergangenem in der chinesischen Kultur. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2020. S. 181-196. (Jahrbuch der Deutschen Vereinigung für Chinastudien, Band 14).
Hompot S. Xiamen at the Crossroads of Sino-Foreign Linguistic Interaction during the Late Qing and Republican Periods: The Issue of Hokkien Phoneticization. Crossroads. 2020;17-18.
Schwarzl L, Renner J. CA-for-Uniclub: SchülerInnen, Studierende der Angewandten Linguistik und des Lehramts lernen von- und miteinander. Verbal-Newsletter (Organ des Verbands für Angewandte Linguistik). 2019 Dez 18;2.
Trauth-Goik A. "Constructing a Culture of Honesty and Integrity": The Evolution of China's Han-centric Surveillance System. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. 2019 Dez;38(4):75-81. doi: 10.1109/mts.2019.2948444
Ferrari R. Asian Theatricalities in the Transpacific: The Hispanophone Transculturation of Nick Rongjun Yu's "The Crowd" or, Performing the Chinese Cultural Revolution in Peru. in De Kloet J, Chong GPL, Chow YF, Hrsg., Trans-Asia as Method: Theory and Practices. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2019. S. 115-139. (Asian Cultural Studies: Transnational and Dialogic Approaches).
Steinhardt HC, Chau WF. Hong Kong’s long summer of discontent: A self-inflicted calamity. Asia Dialogue. 2019 Sep.
Li L. Party Rules 101 – Are all Party Committees the same? Answer is NO. The China Collection: . 2019.
Li L. Change of mandates of the political-legal committee - Analysis of the Political-Legal Work Directive Part 3 Academia.edu: . 2019.
Li L. Chain of political supervision - Analysis of the Chinese Communist Party Political-legal Work Directive Part 2 Academia.edu: . 2019.
Göbel C. (Anti-) Corruption and Partisan Bias in Taiwan's Newspapers. in Chen C, Weiss M, Hrsg., The Political Logics of Anticorruption Efforts in Asia. State University of New York Press (SUNY Press). 2019. S. 77-102
Kam LWM. Beneath the Grand Yellow Imperial Roofs of Martyr Shrines: Taiwan’s colonial past and onwards and the political/architectural symbolism at play. in Yellow Book. Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag. 2019. S. 225-246
Steinhardt HC. Environmental public interest campaigns: a new phenomenon in China's contentious politics. in Wright T, Hrsg., Handbook of protest and resistance in China. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 2019. S. 235-252. (Handbooks of research on contemporary China).
Li L. Governing Constitutional “Vacuum” – Federalism, rule of law and Politburo Politics in China. Chinese Law and Society Review. 2019;4(1).
Li L. Political-legal order and the curious double character of China's courts. Asian Journal of Law & Society. 2019;6(1).
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