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Ferrari R, (ed.), Thorpe A, (ed.). Asian City Crossings: Pathways of Performance through Hong Kong and Singapore. 1 Aufl. London: Routledge, 2021. 288 S. (Routledge Advances in Theatre and Performance Studies).

Ferrari R, Thorpe A. Introduction. Mapping the Terrain: Hong Kong, Singapore, and the City as Method. in Ferrari R, Thorpe A, Hrsg., Asian City Crossings: Pathways of Performance through Hong Kong and Singapore. 1 Aufl. London: Routledge. 2021. (Routledge Advances in Theatre and Performance Studies).

Ferrari R, Thorpe A. Postscript: Asian City Crossings as a Strategy for Freedom? in Ferrari R, Thorpe A, Hrsg., Asian City Crossings: Pathways of Performance through Hong Kong and Singapore. 1 Aufl. London: Routledge. 2021. (Routledge Advances in Theatre and Performance Studies).

Ferrari R, Yung 榮念曾 D. 交流的文化與文化的交流. in Ferrari R, Thorpe A, Hrsg., Asian City Crossings: Pathways of Performance through Hong Kong and Singapore. London: Routledge. 2021. (Routledge Advances in Theatre and Performance Studies).

Kam LWM. Liberating Architecture from ‘Chineseness’: Colonial Shinto Shrines and Post-colonial Martyrs’ Shrines in Post-war Taiwan. in Hoon C-Y, Chan Y, Hrsg., Contesting Chineseness : Ethnicity, Identity, and Nation in China and Southeast Asia . Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. . 2021. S. 59-81. (Asia in Transition , Band 14).

Göbel C. The political logic of protest repression in China. Journal of Contemporary China. 2021 Mär 15;30(128):169-185. doi: 10.1080/10670564.2020.1790897

Steinhardt HC. COVID-19 in Germany: Learning to Dance with the Virus. in Li LC, Hrsg., Facts and Analysis : Canvassing COVID-19 Responses. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press. 2021

Göbel C. Political corruption in Taiwan. in Hsiao H-HM, Fell D, Hrsg., The Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies. Brill. 2021

Chung S, Weigelin-Schwiedrzik S. 對外華語課程新取向──兼俱跨文化交際能力之聽說課程. 2021. Beitrag in The 13th World Conference on Chinese Language Teaching, Taipei, Taiwan.

Kam LWM. May the Stones keep preaching: Re-appropriated colonial Shinto Shrines in Taiwan as new sacred spaces. in Pottgiesser U, Fatoric S, Hein C, de Maaker E, Pereira Roders A, Hrsg., International LDE-Heritage Conference on Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology. 2021. S. 448-461

Kam LWM. Modern Architecture as Ideological Representations: East Berlin, West Berlin, and Hong Kong. in Hon T, Hrsg., Cold War Cities: The Politics of Space in Europe and Asia during the 1950s. London: Routledge. 2021. S. 19-37 doi: 10.4324/9780429058844-3

Göbel C (Redakteur*in). Proteste in China Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. 2021.

Li L. The "Organisational Weapon" of the Chinese Communist Party China's - Disciplinary Regime from Mao to Xi Jinping. in Law and the Party in Xi Jinping's China: Ideology and Organization. Cambridge University Press. 2021