Aktuelle Vorträge
Zeige Ergebnisse 51 - 100 von 1074
Ibsen as a "medium": contemporary Norwegian playwrighting on the Chinese stage
Fabrizio Massini
International Ibsen Conference
25.6.2024 - 25.6.2024
Chasing a Phantom: A Re-evaluation of China’s “Trust Crisis”
Heinz Christoph Steinhardt
20.6.2024 - 20.6.2024
Fachgespräch Chinastudien
Heinz Christoph Steinhardt
20.6.2024 - 20.6.2024
Locating Asian Architectural Postcoloniality
Francis Chia-hui Lin
Liza Wing Man Kam
Locating Asian Architectural Postcoloniality
Organisation von ...
20.6.2024 - 20.6.2024
Transnational Networks of Human Resources and Knowledge in East Asia
Yu-ju Lin
Liza Wing Man Kam
Transnational Networks of Human Resources and Knowledge in East Asia
Organisation von ...
12.6.2024 - 12.6.2024
University of Westminster Press (Verlag)
Rossella Ferrari
Begutachtung für Veranstaltung
.6.2024 - .6.2024
"Transculturality and Diversity in East Asia" lecture series
Rossella Ferrari
24.5.2024 - 24.5.2024
Meanings of Zero: China’s Zero-COVID Policy
Heinz Christoph Steinhardt
Bin Xu
Meanings of Zero: China’s Zero-COVID Policy
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium,
Organisation von ...
15.5.2024 - 15.5.2024
Chinese Text as Data Monograph Publication Workshop
Christian Göbel
Chinese Text as Data Monograph Publication Workshop<br/>
Organisation von ...
9.5.2024 - 10.5.2024
Neo-Familism and the Common Good: Parent Advocacy for Social Inclusion in Urban China
Heinz Christoph Steinhardt
Yunxiang Yan
Neo-Familism and the Common Good: Parent Advocacy for Social Inclusion in Urban China
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium,
Organisation von ...
8.5.2024 - 8.5.2024
Overcoming China‘s Censorship System: How State Dominance on Weibo Facilitated Online Protest After the Ürümqi Fire
Christian Göbel
8.5.2024 - 8.5.2024
“Getting Data to Flow”: China’s Law and Political Economy for Data Productivity
Heinz Christoph Steinhardt
Xin Dai
“Getting Data to Flow”: China’s Law and Political Economy for Data Productivity
Organisation von ...
2.5.2024 - 2.5.2024
Consultant for the Development of the International Chinese Language Teaching Digital Literacy Framework
Stefanie Yu
Staatliche Organisation
.5.2024 - .7.2024
Surveillance Studies Network Conference
Alexander Trauth-Goik
Surveillance Studies Network Conference
Teilnahme an ...
.5.2024 - .5.2024
Surveillance Studies Network Conference
Alexander Trauth-Goik
Surveillance Studies Network Conference
Teilnahme an ...
.5.2024 - .5.2024
The 5th Cross-Strait International Conference onChinese Language Teaching in the New Era (Veranstaltung)
Stefanie Yu
The 5th Cross-Strait International Conference on<br/>Chinese Language Teaching in the New Era
Begutachtung für Veranstaltung
.5.2024 - .6.2024
Dialog über Lehre
Patrice Gruber
Dialog über Lehre
Teilnahme an ...
26.4.2024 - 26.4.2024
The Pitch and the Module
Vivien Chan
Liza Wing Man Kam
The Pitch and the Module
Organisation von ...
25.4.2024 - 25.4.2024
Transnational Chinese Theatres: Intercultural Performance Networks in East Asia
Rossella Ferrari
19.4.2024 - 19.4.2024
Chasing a Phantom: A Re-evaluation of China’s “Trust Crisis”
Heinz Christoph Steinhardt
17.4.2024 - 17.4.2024
Memories of Redress and Rehabilitation and the Narrativity of In-/Justice: pingfan films and Chinese political culture
Agnes Schick-Chen
Pouvoir et Société dans la Chine moderne et contemporaine
17.4.2024 - 17.4.2024
Virtual Materiality and Technologies of the Real in Chinese Documentary Theatre
Rossella Ferrari
17.4.2024 - 17.4.2024
Brücken und Barrieren: Einblicke in das gegenwärtige China
Christian Göbel
15.4.2024 - 15.4.2024
From Rubble to Revolution
Toby Lincoln
Liza Wing Man Kam
From Rubble to Revolution
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium,
Organisation von ...
11.4.2024 - 11.4.2024
The Paradox of Control: How State Dominance on Weibo Facilitates Online Protest
Christian Göbel
8.4.2024 - 8.4.2024
21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies EATS
Agnes Schick-Chen
21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies EATS
Teilnahme an ...
5.4.2024 - 5.4.2024
Mobilizing Illiberalism Worldwide: Analyzing China's Twitter Engagement and Elite behavior
Myunghee Lee
Christian Göbel
Emir Yazici
ISA 2024 Convention
4.4.2024 - 4.4.2024
21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies EATS
Agnes Schick-Chen
Astrid Lipinsky
21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies EATS
Organisation von ...
3.4.2024 - 5.4.2024
21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies EATS
Stefanie Yu
Kuan-Hsien Liu
Su-Ti Mao
21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies EATS
Teilnahme an ...
3.4.2024 - 5.4.2024
New developments: Chat GTP-4 and the social sciences
Christian Göbel
Workshop: Digital Methods
21.3.2024 - 21.3.2024
Digital Protest Event Analysis
Christian Göbel
Workshop: Digital Methods
20.3.2024 - 20.3.2024
23. Tagung des Fachverbands Chinesisch e.V.
Christina Bazant-Kimmel
23. Tagung des Fachverbands Chinesisch e.V.
Teilnahme an ...
11.3.2024 - 13.3.2024
“Technology in Contemporary East Asian Performance: An International Symposium”
Rossella Ferrari
8.3.2024 - 9.3.2024
Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools for Our Research
Christian Göbel
4.3.2024 - 4.3.2024
"Transmediating Traditions in China and beyond"
Rossella Ferrari
1.3.2024 - 1.3.2024
25th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) (Veranstaltung)
Christina Bazant-Kimmel
25th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS)
Begutachtung für Veranstaltung
.2.2024 - ..
Civilized Cities or Social Credit? Overlap & tension between governance infrastructures in China
Alexander Trauth-Goik
19.1.2024 - 19.1.2024
Das Kunstmuseuem im digitalen Zeitalter - 2024 Online Konferenz
Patrice Gruber
Das Kunstmuseuem im digitalen Zeitalter - 2024 Online Konferenz
Teilnahme an ...
15.1.2024 - 19.1.2024
Indicate, Evaluate, Incentivise: Environmental Behavioural Steering in Urban and Rural China
Alexander Trauth-Goik
11.1.2024 - 11.1.2024
Area (Fachzeitschrift)
Liza Wing Man Kam
Begutachtung einer wissenschaftlichen Publikation
..2024 - ..
EATS Conference 2024: 21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies (Veranstaltung)
Liza Wing Man Kam
EATS Conference 2024: 21st Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies
Begutachtung für Veranstaltung
..2024 - ..
GeoHumanities (Fachzeitschrift)
Rossella Ferrari
Begutachtung einer wissenschaftlichen Publikation
..2024 - ..2024
International Journal of Taiwan Studies (Fachzeitschrift)
Liza Wing Man Kam
Andere redaktionelle Tätigkeit
..2024 - ..
University of Westminster Press (Verlag)
Rossella Ferrari
Herausgabe einer Fachzeitschrift oder Reihe
..2024 - ..
25th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) (Veranstaltung)
Rossella Ferrari
25th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS)
Begutachtung für Veranstaltung
..2024 - ..
Value-Driven Contention in China: Forms, Tactics and State Responses
Heinz Christoph Steinhardt
Kai Yang
Analyzing protest in the digital age: Challenges and opportunities in combining text and video sources
8.12.2023 - 8.12.2023
Zeige Ergebnisse 51 - 100 von 1074