The First Line of China (2018–2019) is a 46-minute essay film that examines an isolatedindustrial town alongside a state-owned cement factory in Northeast China. Born and raisedthere, the director reflects on the socialist factory-town model that emerged in 1980s Chinaas a result of its top-down urbanization and industrialization scheme.Snowy Day, Studio Visit (2019–2023) documents a conversation between Zhang and afriend. The reflective dialogue sheds light equally on a childhood journey from MainlandChina to Taiwan and on the adopted political rhetoric in Zhang's upbringing.Hostile Landscapes is a multichannel film/video in progress. It centers on the remarkabletrue story of Jhu Hyeun-ken (주현건), a North Korean inmate who escaped from the JilinPrison in 2021. After 40 days, Zhu was shot in the leg and caught near Fengman Dam andReservoir, a location with deep Japanese colonial ties. Zhang meticulously tracks Jhu’sconfirmed and possible hideouts, reconstructing Zhu’s fugitive odyssey with a cinematicrepresentation of the landscape.
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